Agent Z Marketing!
We’re a female-founded and led small business. We’ve been doing direct mail since 1991. We’re still at it because we love working with small businesses (like yours!) and we’ve learned how to continue using print marketing effectively in the digital age.

Our team is made up of real people who want to see your business succeed! We’ve supported business owners like you for over 30 years, and we can’t wait to help you reach new clients and grow your business.

Agent Z is the support system you need to make sure you’re spending your marketing dollars –– and time –– wisely.
Does Print Marketing
Still Work?
Print marketing still works and it can compliment your digital marketing for an incredibly effective marketing strategy
Why Print?
Your audience
wants it.

The majority of customers, Boomers all the way through Gen Xers, actually prefer print materials, and look forward to getting mail from businesses they care about.

Even though the number of active social media accounts continues to grow each year, print marketing materials are viewed as more trustworthy than digital ads. Not only that, but in this increasing digital world, customers enjoy the tactile experience of a physical item.

Not only do customers trust printed ad materials more, but print materials actually drive customers to your website, so all the time and money you’ve spent on your website and social media is not wasted.

Print materials like business cards, service cards describing your services, and direct mailers are the perfect addition to your marketing plan.

So, instead of worrying about fighting for attention on oversaturated social media platforms, start standing out with bold, beautiful, professionally designed print marketing materials.

Agent Z Marketing ©2025 POWERED BY:Lexinet Corporation